Tuesday, April 5, 2011

MIxed Feelings

Not sure where to start. Parts of me miss Ryan. This guy, who we will call "Mr.Big" is fickle. Very fickle. More than the usual man. I mean, we talk dirty, but then we talk like friends and he talks about hanging out, yet nothing. This has got me thinking "Whats EXACTLY wrong with me" I look at him and think "Hes not THAT cute" I dunno what Im feeling. I miss Ryan for the mere fact he was comfort. Im used to being single. So why am I struggling with this....


Malika said...

perhaps mr. big isn't the one for you. maybe you just have to get used to him. either way, somethings just take time.

Bella said...

It's normal to feel this way after you've gotten used to that one person you've been with and you're trying to get over them at the same time. Give it time & you'll figure out what you like & what you will not stand to deal with.

Barry said...

I don't think it's you Stef. I appreciate that you're considering this, after all it does take two people to make a relationship. It's a healthy approach to take a look inward and see if perhaps you've had some pattern that needs changing, but at the same time don't let it lead you to blaming yourself if things don't always work out. That shit will consume you.

I think you just haven't found the right guy yet. Is this new guy a bad boy? As you've said they might make good lovers but they're usually bad boyfriends. xx